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Ensure all lights are working properly
It will surprise most drivers to know that inoperable lights/no reflective material is the number one violation among road side inspections to Pinnacle’s PTSI division. Checking your lights is a simple, mundane task but the number of points being generated

Drivers more fatigued toward end of week
Here is some information you will find interesting–and logical—as you think about it. According to the Indiana Trucking Association, more accidents involving tractor-trailers occur on Thursdays than the rest of the days in the week. In fact, this phenomenon is

Hours of Service and Driver Fatigue Fueled Reforms
Modern-day truck drivers are accustomed to the alphabet soup of acronyms that governs over-the-road trucking. Whether a driver is toting over-sized freight or pulling RVs with his pickup, he is familiar with SMS, CSA, ISS, HOS, RODs and other measurements

Profit Drives Driveaway Delivery
Some driveaway drivers want to see the country while they supplement their income and others are making a living transporting box trucks and vans, but all of them are driven by the ability to earn an income–and the bigger the

Distracted Drivers Cause 300K Accidents Annually
Distracted driving has surpassed impaired driving and speeding as the top cause of accidents across the country, according to transportation experts. Distracted drivers cause more than 3,000 deaths and 300,000 accidents annually. The impact to drivers and their driving records is also taking a “big hit.”